About Us

Care and Support

Person-Centred Care

Really Flexible Care is a unique organisation specialising in providing a high standard of individualised care for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities and/or behaviours that challenge.

Tailored to Needs

We provide flexible care tailored to the individual that is responsive to their changing needs. We promote independence by putting the person’s choices at the centre of their care.


The involvement of the individuals circle of support (family and friends) in their care pathway is valued by Really Flexible Care and we will offer an independent advocate where needed.


Really Flexible Care provides specialist care and support for those with a primary diagnosis of Autism and/or learning disabilities. This includes the management of behaviours that may challenge.

Well at Wadelow
Entrance to Wadelow Grange

Residential and Respite


All of our accommodation is comfortable and well equipped. Situated in a variety of locations, our homes offer individuals the opportunity to personalise their own environment to suit their own taste.

Flexible Approach

Thanks to our flexible approach to care provision we are able to tailor our packages to meet the needs of the individual and those involved in their care. We work closely with an individuals’ complete circle of support (including parents, carers, social workers, local authorities etc.) to ensure needs are met across the board.


We provide day care as well as respite, our facilities are not restricted to individuals requiring overnight support. We are happy to design packages for individuals who require support during the day only or as well as at night, to ensure that their needs can be met around the clock.

Mission Statement

The primary aim of the service is to meet and then exceed the needs and expectations of our service users and provide a safe and comfortable environment for them to live in.

The adults living within the service will have a diagnosis of Learning Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder, and may present with behaviours which will challenge those around them. We will identify and manage any risks to create positive progress for individuals in our care.

We pride ourselves in our ability to meet the unique needs of each person; we work in partnership with them, their families and other relevant professionals, always adopting a person centred approach to highlight their specific needs and provide the appropriate care and support.

It is the aim of Really Flexible Care to ensure that the service users have the opportunity to be part of the community depending on their choices. It is the aim of the service to work with the local community to enable them to be receptive and understanding of the needs of the individuals that are supported by Really Flexible Care.

We will promote each person’s dignity and self-esteem by providing opportunities for continuous learning in all aspects of daily life. We will encourage people to make informed choices, take responsibility for their own lives and behaviour, and whilst we will risk assess as necessary, we will not be risk averse.

To ensure individuals changing needs are assessed and met Really Flexible Care will ensure that individuals access appropriate professionals and specialist support services.

Well trained and highly motivated staff and available 24 hrs a day and appropriate staffing ratios ensure effective support is available to all.

The organisation works in partnership with statutory and other independent agencies, such as the Care Quality Commission and the local authorities to protect vulnerable individuals from abuse. People that use Really Flexible Care have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, to be safe and receive quality care.



Really Flexible Care is passionate in ensuring staff development and knowledge through providing staff with the training courses required to enable them to support service users.

This includes augmented communication such a widget system, Makaton sign language and positive behaviour support planning.

Our Homes and Services

Please browse our various homes and services. Click on more information to see further images, location and CQC rating.

Our Aims

Personal Progression

To support and develop independence and a person’s positive self-image through personal progression planning.

Social Skills

To provide opportunity to develop social skills with staff, peers and members of the community.


To work in partnership with families, friends and other people important in their lives.

Positive Behaviour Support

To work with each individual through positive behaviour support planning to reduce anxieties and behaviour that can be challenging and increase the daily quality of life.


To empower service users and to make positive choices regarding all aspects of their care, both at present and in the future.


To provide a wide range of meaningful activities both at home and in the community.

Watch The Video

Care Quality Commission and what they do.

Contact Really Flexible Care

Call Us On

01525 873265

Really Flexible Care

Wadelow Grange, Wood End, Near Tingrith, Bedfordshire, MK17 9ER.